Just because you can't travel doesn't mean you can't have a travel project. From $13,

Make a cash stash accordion

Running out of little corners of the house to clean? Here’s a little project that will elevate your travel life down the road. Save your money—literally—with a cash stash accordion, a file of the currencies you bring home from trips abroad.

Keep them handy for the next time you visit. There’s nothing like the feel of foreign money (from your local exchange, never the bank) to get you fired up to go somewhere.

It’s never a bad idea to arrive in another country with a little bit of the local currency already in your pocket, so you’ll have cash for a cab or a coffee or whatever. Searching for an airport bank machine when you’re tired and cranky is never a good idea. What if there isn’t one?

You can buy these at Staples. Feel free to lump cash into groups, like Eastern or Western Caribbean or Non-Euro Europe or however you need. I also throw transit cards like my Oyster card in here. You can also include things like the business card of that taxi driver in Cuba you liked.

Foreign cash also makes a nice present. I’ll throw Australian dollars in a card and give it to someone I know who is going there, and tell them to buy a round on me. It also makes an easy wedding present if the happy couple are actually honeymooning and you know where in advance. I’ve gotten a million kicks out of slipping the best man an envelope at weddings and telling him what’s inside.

Your new accordion will put a big smile on your face when you realize you have £200 in your wallet before you leave for Heathrow. Another day.