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New Travel BFF

No more dodgy hotel internet. Get secure wireless with no roaming charges and top up your data whenever you need to.

Buy the Right Luggage

With such a deep well of total crap luggage to buy out there, you need to NOT SETTLE! 1. Decide if you are a soft or hard case person. 2. If shopping in person, look for the lightest luggage you can find, but nothing too flimsy. 3. Always go with the next-to-largest size, or at least … Continue reading Buy the Right Luggage

Sleep Better on the Plane

Take the sting out of getting up at zero-dark-hundred or boarding at midnight. When you have to get up at zero dark hundred or board at midnight, here are a few tricks to help you sleep better on the plane. 1. Choose a window seat nowhere near the bathroom or the galley noise. Avoid the … Continue reading Sleep Better on the Plane